Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Book of the Week: Around the World with Mouk

A recent favorite in our house is Around the World with Mouk by Marc Boutavant.

This colorfully illustrated book follows Mouk, a large-headed bear, as he travels the world.  Ben has recently been fascinated by maps and learning about new countries - who lives in them, where they are, and what different people do in different places.  This book has been a welcome addition to our travel literature.  Each page is filled with such intricate details that I think one could read the book a hundred times and still discover something new.  As we learn about specific new countries, it has also been nice to pull out this book and look more closely at specific pages.  The other day, for example, after a meal of Greek food, I opened the book up to the page below and shared stories of my own travels to Greece.  The bright colors and adorable animals on each page are an invitation to discussion and imagination that cannot be ignored.

Mouk in Greece

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