Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Dark Places - Gillian Flynn

Over 20 years ago, when Libby Day was 7 , her mother and two sisters were brutally murdered in their home. Libby's eye-witness testimony was used to convict her older brother, Ben. The passing years have not been kind to Libby as he found herself shuffled around from relative to relative, living off money donated by people who felt sorry for her, and never quite able to hold down a job or get her life together. Desperate for cash, she makes an appearance at a true crime fan get together, only to find herself ambushed by people supporting her brother's innocence, and pressuring her to recant her obviously coerced testimony. Startled, but skeptical, of the possibility that she has believed a lie for so long, Libby takes it upon herself to reinvestigate the events of that night. I read Flynn's novel Sharp Objects awhile back. I liked her flair for suspense, and feel like it only got better in this book. I was sufficiently creeped out by the description of the crime, that while reading in bed late a night, strange noises were definitely freaking me out. I felt the little twists and turns held together well for a mystery, and I kept me guessing throughout. Definitely a worthwhile whodunnit.

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