Sunday, March 16, 2008

The History of Love - Nicole Krauss

I was a bit hesitant to read this book after finding out that its author is married to Jonathan Safran Foer, author of Everything is Illuminated, a book that I just couldn't get through. Not that spouses would necessarily have a similar writing style, but you can never be too sure. I'm glad I took a chance - this book revolves around two main characters - Leo Gursky, an aging Polish immigrant who once wrote a novel, but is now afraid he will vanish from the earth without anyone ever remembering him. And, Alma, a precocious young girl trying to hold together her widowed mother and eccentric brother. Alma's mother is mysteriously asked to translate a book called The History of Love. Alma discovers that she is named after the main character in the book, and becomes convinced that the character is based upon a real person. She sets out in New York to find this woman and eventually her path leads her to Leo Gursky. The plot line can get a little confusing at times, with character's memories of events often at odds with reality, but all in all this is a wonderful mystery. I particularly enjoyed the chapters that focused on Alma - the Scout Finch of her generation.

1 comment:

Sitcomgirl said...

Oh good, I kept seeing this one in airport bookstores and pick it up and put it back down. Now I will get it.