Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Clara's Pick of the Week: Construction Kitties

At our local library branch, we have have a fantastic children's section - tons of books and comfortable chairs to lounge in and read all afternoon.  But, one of the things about this branch that my son, Ben, has always loved is that they have a specific section for books about transportation.  So, he learned early on that he could just go straight to that section and find countless books about cars, planes, trucks, trains, boats - and anything else transportation related (every once in awhile there's a good bike book thrown in there).  Over the past couple years we've borrowed and re-borrowed so many books from that shelf.  It's a nice safe place for Ben to gravitate toward, and even though his tastes are starting to change, it's always one of the first shelves he visits when we arrive at the library.

My girls are also into books about transportation, but I've found they often have to have a little bit more - and usually that little bit more involves animals.  There have to be animals driving the vehicles or somehow or other involved in the stories.  And so this book is purr-fect.  Construction Kitties by Judy Sue Goodwin Sturges is a brightly illustrated book with simple text that shows a group of cats work through the process of building a playground.  The cats are super cute as they put on their construction hats, dig and move the dirt, take a break for lunch, and eventually go home for the day.  This is a book that has appealed to my kids for years, and one that I don't mind reading over and over and over again.

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