Friday, September 24, 2010

Little Bee - Chris Cleave

With overwhelming amounts of work lately, I have fallen grossly behind on updating the blog.
Luckily, however, I have been able to continue to read - though not at the pace I need to in order to meet my 2010 reading goal of 150 books...but I soldier on. Little Bee is one of those books I see all over the store and public transportation, so I was eager to see what the hype was all about. The book starts out in a British detention center which houses immigrants. Little Bee, a refugee from Nigeria, has fled the violence of her home country, and goes in search of a couple she met on their ill-fated African beach vacation. As is probably obvious even from this brief description, this is a pretty bleak and depressing book. It deals powerfully with the idea of how we all create our own realities (or escapes from reality) when live becomes a little too horrific to handle.

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