Friday, December 30, 2022

2022 Reading Round-Up

 I completed 104 books in 2022.  By quarter, my reading broke down as follows:

Q1: 31

Q2: 23

Q3: 22

Q4: 28

My lightest reading month was April, where I read 5 books.  My highest reading month was December, where I read 14 books.  Fiction comprised 84% of my books, and 70% of my books came from the library.

Below are a few of my favorites from the year:

Fiction: The Storied Life of A.J. Fikry - Gabrielle Zevin

Romance: The Arc - Tory Henwood Hoen

Sci-Fi: Red Rising - Pierce Brown

Mystery: The Thursday Murder Club Series - Richard Osman

Non-Fiction: How the Word is Passed - Clint Smith

Middle-Grade Book: Ellen Outside the Lines - A.J. Sass

YA Fiction: Slay - Brittney Morris

YA Mystery: The Inheritance Games - Jennifer Lynn Barnes

In 2023, I really want to clear some of the books from my shelves at home, particularly ones that have been sitting there for more than a decade at this point!  My kids have started recommending more and more to me that I am genuinely interested in, and keeping up with a few things here and there that allow us to connect is very important to me.  I admit that I do like the feeling of finishing a book - and for that reason I don't always read the longest books available to me.  That being said, I have some very long books on my shelves that need to be read!  I also find that I end up borrowing so many books from the library - and I am so grateful for that privilege - but I know I can allow it to get out of hand!  I probably need to dial that back a bit, but it does allow me to check-out books for my book clubs and to keep up-to-date on recent releases that are on the Hot Picks Shelf.  I always waiver between wanting to lay out a reading plan for myself and wanting to just choose what appeals to me in the moment.  I think I can probably strike a balance there to ensure that I get through more in my to-read piles, but also do not feel constrained - remembering always that reading is supposed to be fun!

Looking forward to another great reading year!

Happy Reading,


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