Wednesday, November 29, 2006

The Sportswriter - Richard Ford : I've been wanting to read Independence Day by Richard Ford - seeing as it won the Pulitzer and all. The Sportwriter is the prequel, so I thought I better start there. Big mistake. This is the story of Sportwriter Frank Bascombe, recently divorced and grieving the death of his son. In the same vein as Jonathan Franzen's The Corrections, the characters in this book were just way too self-absorbed and I had difficulty caring what happened to Frank. Of course, I already bought "Independence Day" so I will have to see if he can redeem himself. November has been a good month for me to finish up books I started long ago and were only half-way through. I don't usually read this many books in a month!! I'm just sad I haven't read anything that I absolutely love for awhile.

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