Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Return to the Hundred Acre Wood - David Benedictus

Growing up, I loved the adventures of Winnie-the-Pooh and all his Friends and Relatives in the Hundred Acre Wood. Eeyore was always my favorite, even though I can't recall any of the actual stories. I hesitated to pick this one up given that it's written by an author other than A.A. Milne, but though it would be fun to see some of those little critters on a new adventure. And it definitely was. I have read some criticism of the book - perhaps some of the characters are not as likeable as in the original and there is a new character - an otter who wears pearls. It's also almost sad to see Christopher Robin nearly outgrowing his childhood companions. But, mostly, I laughed at the clever mix-ups and all the outlandish plans the animals concoct. It did make me want to go back and read the originals, and just in general I think it would be so fun to share these characters with children now. I read the book in one sitting - smiling the entire time. So happy to return to the Hundred Acre Woods, even while nervously on the look-out with Piglet for those Heffalumps.

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